Every Wednesday when Jacob teaches the drum line, I find my way over and watch them practice. This was taken at one such practice.
Quiz 29
This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.
Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!
I know this was harder than some. Aiden that I babysit on occasion likes to play with a model skeleton I have from college days. The picture is of “Alfred’s” ribs.
10 Months Down
? to go.
Today marks our 10th monthiversary of marriage.
Joking with Jacob I asked, “Can you believe we have been married for ten months and haven’t killed each other yet?” He responded with this question, “Does that surprise you?” Me, “More everyday.”
Truth be told, it does not surprise me. I love Jacob, very much so. We have learned many things in these ten months. Such as a dishwasher really does make happiness, and when you live in a house (v. apartment) you do not have to turn the TV down after 10pm. I think we have learned more about sharing and caring for some one else more than ourselves (at least part of the time). I know I need to work harder on that one, but after 27 years of not being married, there is bound to be some adjustment.
Then there is the dreaded “C” word, communication. Suffice it to say, we are still reading the dictionary on that one. I just hope we are using the same dictionary.
I love you Jacob, and I am glad you are my mate.
Quiz 28
This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.
Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!
Standing in Nowhere, Illinois
It is amazing that we can stand in our small town and see details in the night sky. Tonight we went out with Erin and Keri to our favorite cemetery (yes, the same one where we visited with the Police Officer) with the telescope. We saw the galaxy Andromeda, Jupiter and his moons, our own moon, and the Milky way was incredible. With my camera on my tripod, this is what I captured.
And, looking through the telescope this is what we saw.
The way the telescope works with the mirrors, it places the image upside down and reversed.
It is just amazing to see all that detail, even most of it is visible through binoculars.
We had a great time, and I just wanted to share it.
It is a Bug
Specifically an ant carrying a silk worm.
Una hormiga.
When I was little I used to think it was only a myth that ants carried a lot of stuff. Last Wednesday when I was hanging out watching the band that Jacob works with, I saw a bunch of ants carrying the silk worms around. I thought it was cool, so I am sharing it here.
Head cold
Apparently this weekend is the time for my annual summer head cold. The human body is an amazing thing, and today I am particularly amazed at the incredible amount of SNOT the human head can manufacture in a short period of time.
Fortunately, this is just the summer sickness going around (at church today fully half of the guys I talked to were in various stages of the same thing), and from all accounts, I’m at the peak of it and it should subside within another 24-48 hours. Thank goodness?
Lunar Eclipse
We may sound just a little crazy when I tell you that we got up at 3:30 this morning to watch the eclipse. We stayed up for two hours with the telescope watching the shadow begin and become a full eclipse. Here are a few of the pictures we captured, from our front porch. The moon set while the eclipse was full.
Short version:
Long version:
This is a good site to see what other things may appear in the sky, just look around.
Let Me Explain
No, there is too much; let me just give you the pictures. These are signs found in my town this week….