I Never Got My Silly Question

While Jacob was at band rehearsal I did some grocery shopping. When I was exiting the store a stranger came up to me and asked if he could ask me “a silly question.” I asked if it would cost money, he said it would not, and it would “only take two minutes.” So, I thought to myself, “I could go for a silly question, it has been a while since I have heard a good silly question.” So I told him he could ask.

He started with, “Where are you from?”

Me: (thinking- this is not silly) Here in town

Stranger: Are you really from here or did you move here from another place? (indicating he was doing a survey for the local university)

Me: I moved here

Stranger: Me too, I am from California. Where are you from originally?

Me: I was born in Iowa

Stranger: Well I am here with 1400 other people trying to collect points towards a scholarship fund, and there is a contest to see who can collect the most points talking to people. This scholarship will pay for school and beer. Do you drink?

Me: No

Stranger: Then it is for books and tuition. Do you ever read magazines?

Me: Sometimes

Stranger: (handing me a card with magazine names on it) Do you ever read cosmo?

Me: No

Stranger: (takes back card and hands me a card with different magazines titles and explains) Each magazine subscription is worth different points. If you were to get a post card in the mail, what would you prefer? Tropical, funny, romantic or exotic?

Me: Funny.

Stranger: That would be me in my boxers.

Me: Laughed (very abruptly, I may have hurt his ego…)

Stranger: That was supposed to be a joke. Are there any two that you are interested in?

Me: (so he was trying to get money…) There is only one I would be interested in.

Stranger: Ask me how much it would cost.

Me: No thanks, I can read it for free at my in-laws’ house.

Stranger: There are 1400 of us out here and if you buy a subscription, you can tell them*

Me: (*interrupting him) That I have already donated to the “beer fund”?

Stranger: (Laughed) Never heard that answer before. Would you be able to buy a gift subscription to go to a homeless shelter?

Me: I don’t think so.

Stranger: Just go away.

Me: (walked away, and drove home)

**I stopped quoting the conversation because he used lots of profanity, and I really do not care for that. Which, while I do not approve, had he only used one word in a very logical point in the conversation, I may have considered buying the one subscription, but the words kept slipping, and I decided secondhand reading is good enough for me. Besides, by the time he got around to the real point, he had taken about four minutes of my time. And, I still didn’t get a good silly question out of my “two” minutes!

Quiz 32

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

I Am So Smart, S-M-R-T

So I have been working on a project lately that has me using Google Maps. I have learned a few things while doing this. One thing I wish to share is odd, these maps do not read the letter “E” as an apartment number. It reads it as east, every time. Which is frustrating if the address is “123 Street Ave Apt E/ City, State Zip”. The other thing which is just hilarious to me, is that the map source has one street (that I know of) misspelled. The name of the street is “Whiteroe” but on the maps it is spelled “Witheroe”. Just to be certain, Jacob and I took the opportunity to cross town and find the street, sure enough on the street sign it is written “N. Whiteroe”.

Allez Cuisine!

Here’s another first: On Saturday, we did our first real paid catering gig (along with my mother and my uncle Kevin – my mother was the head chef). Marcia has worked as a professional chef before (at the Bed&Breakfast she used to manage), but this was my first time in the professional arena. It was the first time doing catering on someone else’s site for both of us. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too.

Marcia, Karen, and Jacob

The event was a wedding reception with about 150 guests, with an Italian food/decor theme. The menu was a mix of traditional Italian and non-traditional Italian-inspired food. The entrees were Grilled Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo (traditional), and Inside-Out Ravioli (a non-traditional but very delicious creation of my mother’s). We also did a fruit salad, a chef’s salad, some REALLY good breadsticks, a cheese tray, and a few other tasty morsels. We did not do the wedding cake, though we did provide a chocolate fountain which was a real BLAST, as you will soon see…

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

But let’s start with the strawberries – In talking with the mother of the bride, it became apparent that the bride’s favorite treat is chocolate-dipped strawberries. It was decided that we would provide a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries for the bride and groom to enjoy. At first, we were just going to do some simple traditional dips, but then my mother got a crazy idea – and when she gets those ideas, there’s no stopping her. She wanted to use white and dark chocolate (dark in color, not in flavor) to make half of the strawberries look like tuxedos, and then use white to make the other half like like wedding dresses. It took a little bit of [very tasty] experimentation, but when she figured out how to do it, the results were great:

The world's coolest chocolate-dipped strawberries
We offered a few of them to the pastry chef who did the cake to put them on or around the cake if he wanted, and he loved the idea. The rest went on a plate for the bride and groom to share. We also made some more plain dipped strawberries for the rest of the head table to enjoy.

Cake Flower

The pastry chef (who was a friend of the bride’s family and also a wedding guest) had his daughter with him. She was probably 6 or 7 years old. While he was putting the strawberries we gave him on the cake, I was talking to the little girl, who said “my daddy made the cake.”

“It’s pretty,” I responded, “and you can eat everything on it!”

“Not the flowers,” she said.

I went into teacher mode. “I bet you can.”


“What kind of flowers are they? Are they carnations?”


“Then you can eat them. What do you think they taste like?”

She half-shrugged, half rolled her eyes at the idiot who thinks you can eat flowers.

“They taste like pepper.”

She’d had enough. I was clearly insane. She laughed at me, said “Nuh-uh!” and scampered off.

Later, I was lucky enough to serve her her food. I asked if she wanted salt, pepper, or flowers on her pasta. Again, the “for a grown up, you’re really stupid” look.

For the record, you CAN eat carnations, and they DO taste like pepper. Just be careful when you buy them that you get ones grown without any pesticides, because pesticide not only tastes nasty, it’s not very good for you.

Chocolate Fountain of Death

About halfway through dinner, we were all serving or preparing more food, when someone came in, grabbed Kevin, and said “the chocolate fountain is exploding!” We thought that perhaps it had spilled a little, or maybe overheated and ruined the chocolate (it does happen on occasion).

No. This was pretty literal.

A piece of food had fallen into the bottom of the fountain, and worked its way into the auger that moves the chocolate from the bottom to the top. It got stuck inside the auger tube and began acting as a lifting shelf for the auger, so the auger started climbing up the tube – like it was unscrewing itself from the fountain. Once the auger got above the top of the tube, it started flinging chocolate about. To make matters worse, a few moments after that, the whole fountain started to spin about because the movement of the auger had thrown the balance off. Then the rotation caused various pieces to come apart, and very soon the whole thing had come apart, flinging chocolate all over 4 bowls of strawberries, pretzels, and cookies, a white tablecloth, and a surprised little boy.

The fastest way to clean up the mess was simply to clean the fountain, swap the tablecloth for a fresh one (luckily, no chocolate got on the floor or walls), and get things moving again quickly. Kevin put the soiled tablecloth in a freezer so it could be easily cleaned later (you can peel the cold chocolate off of the cloth and have a pretty good chance of saving the tablecloth). After things calmed down and dinner was done, we took a moment to take some pictures of the tablecloth (this is after being frozen):

Kevin and Jacob with the chocolate covered tablecloth
I wish we had gotten some pictures of the little boy who was equally chocolate covered, but he got cleaned up too quickly. Thankfully, the bride and groom and all the guests thought the whole incident was quite funny, and nobody was upset at this minor disaster. I think it’s the only thing that went wrong the whole day (which means my knife skills have improved!).

The Aftermath

In the end, we received many compliments from the guests, and the bridal party (especially the mother of the bride, who hired us) was very pleased. We were happy with a job well done, and a buffet table well-eaten:

The buffet table after the wedding
A number of people asked us if we had a catering company, or if we were available for hire. The four of us have threatened to start a catering business before, but have not actually done so. Perhaps with a little more experience, we would feel comfortable doing that. Only time will tell.

Quiz 31

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

So Close-ish

This is a Picture of the sky we saw as we left Sam’s wedding (Jacob’s cousin), also the same day we took Erin to the airport for schooling.  We, meaning Richard and Karen and I, Jacob had a band thing to attend.

Here is a picture from the wedding.  It was a Civil War Wedding, and it was pretty cool!  Her dress was fabulous.

You Never Know Just What a Kid Will Say

I spend some of my days subbing at a preschool on the local college campus. There is one little girl there that is currently 2 yrs 9 months old. Last winter and spring she called me “Jerry” and had other adults that help thinking it was my name. She did learn my name, and I like to quiz her to see what all she knows (I do this with all the kids). Yesterday while we were outside playing, I was holding a baby, and she came over to me to see the baby. I was quizzing her on what different animals say, and here are a few of the questions and answers:

Me: What does a monkey say?

Her: ooooo oooo aaah aaah

Me: What does a doggy say?

Her: bow wow

*after many more animals, I tested other things*
Me: What does (child’s name) say?

Her: I talk

Me: What does a teacher say?

Her: I love you

Me: What does a Mr. Scott (one of the preschool teachers) say?

Her: Time to put our books away, books away, books away, time to put the books away and lay down for our nap *I am not sure if that is how the song goes, but that is what she hears*

Me: What does mommy say?

Her: I am proud of you

Me: What does a police car sound like?

Her: (in a deeper voice) Come with me, you are going to jail

I really like this job. Most of the kids remember me from time to time that I work which is great since I am not there “regularly” and I just can never be too sure what will escape their mouths.

Last spring one of the little girls got a new baby sister, and on one of the occasions that I was there and holding said baby, the big sister was cooing at the baby. One of the other little girls, who is an only child, came over while big sister was playing with baby sister, and told me that she wants a baby sister. I told her to talk with her parents about it. They got a pretty good chuckle out of the story.