A Real Experience

Yesterday five of us went to St. Louis to do some dry packing of a large food order. It was a new experience for me to go do that . Because we have to drive three hours to get there, and it was a pretty big order, we called ahead and had a set time to do this. We arrived a few min early-yay for us! Because we planned it to be able to get out of there by noon. so we could be home by 3. I agreed to feed the missionaries at 5 and Mary had to be back for a wedding at 5:30.

We went inside, visited the ladies room and went into the packing room to discover that some people just walked in ahead of of and they did not have a reservation. That delayed us a bit. When we finally got started on our order it was going pretty well, we were getting the hang of it, and then we notice that the items we are canning are not on our order. We discover that some people from the area stepped in and put their order in the middle of our order and had us canning their food! (Now, before I start sounding uncharitable, I really was having a good time, but they were not really doing any of the work for their order.) They filled their order and left, we were back onto our order, for a little while. We noticed that some things we had already done were going through the line again….Some other group showed up and started filling their order in the middle of our line again!

I looked at a clock, and at this point, had we left right then, we would have made it home just in time for me to help Jacob finish cooking. However we still had quite a bit left in our order, and then there is the time it takes to check out. So we made a bit of a stink (to the people who actually work in the store house) about being the only ones who had called ahead, having to drive 3 hours to get home, that a couple of us were late by this point to get to our commitments, and how we were using our time not working on our order. So the guy that works there made it clear that we were already late, and needed to get our order done to the third group that came in while were filling our order, and made it clear that we would finish our order so we could get on the road.

It was after 2:30 by the time we got to leave. I missed supper with the Elders, they were just leaving as I got home. Mary was fashionably late to the wedding.

However, I did learn that if I ever go again, I will make sure I have all day to spend doing the canning, and I will take a face mask to wear cause some of the stuff has lots of dust that gets into the air, and at this time I am coughing so hard it hurts to breath. And I have been drinking lots of liquids trying to get my throat all cleaned out.

Before you all go thinking that I am just a whiny person that won’t help other people, let me state that I would have enjoyed staying all day doing that if I hadn’t made other plans (but, as it were, we barely got to leave when we expected to be able to get home). And (this is the grumpy part of me) I think it was very selfish of people (not just one, but three groups did this, not counting the one that got there just before us making us start late) to come in with out making plans ahead of time, jumping in in the middle of our order-having us can their stuff, and then not stay and help us finish our order when they live in the area, and we had 3 hours left on our trip home.

Now, with the complaining out of the way, here are a few pictures of the trip.

Here is a picture off our group (we are smiling because we haven’t started yet) Mary, Karen, Annette, Mary, and myself in the little box, I was the photographer.

This is a pretty picture of Mary, but the purpose of the shot is how empty the shelving was when we started.

First you take new cans

Place them in tubs to be filled

After filling them, place an oxygen absorber in each can (by the way, it was one of the “cut-in” groups that tried to mix the cans together….I bet you can guess what that did to my OCD*)

Put a lid on it and Seal the can with a big noisy machine

Each can gets a label with the date of packing on it (this is why it is important to keep the same food going with out mixing in a different kind of can) This picture does not do her justice, she is beautiful, but the baggy coat and hair net cover that.

Here are 3 of our carts, yes, we had more that wouldn’t fit in the picture

And the Shelves as we left them

*I have not been diagnosed with OCD, though I wouldn’t be out of the running for it, perhaps I am a Type A personality, nah, probably not.

One Thing I Just Can’t Stand

Tonight I was driving home in the dark with my lights on.  I was in the south bound lane.  Suddenly I see two lights reflecting back at me about 5-6 feet off the ground.  I engaged my brakes.  I was with in feet of hitting some guy on a bike.  No reflectors, dark clothes, headed north in the middle of the southbound lane!  And no helmet to boot!  I only saw him because of his glasses.  This makes me so mad!  If you are going to ride a bike wear a helmet.  It will make the difference of life and death.  Also, if you are going to ride in the dark, use lights!  It makes you more visible and helps you see around yourself.

She Is My Husband

I was working at the preschool again today. Being Friday, it is share-day.

Girl T-age 3: I don’t have anything to share!

Mr S: I don’t either (in a whiny voice)

T: I want to share my Elmo

S: What should you do then?


5 or 6 kids: Go get it!

Boy J-age 4: (holding a Tide-to-go pen) For when you get messy.

Girl E-age 3: This is a volleyball from Cassie.

Mr S: Who is Cassie?

E: She is in the picture

Miss L: Is she your cousin?

E: She is my husband.

Boy S-age 4: Shared the sweater he was wearing as a mystery item and had the class guess what it is.

After coming in from outside, all the kids were talking about getting married. I do not think that word means what they think it means.

Boy S: I’m gonna marry Girl S.

Girl S-age 5: And I’m gonna marry Boy J and Girl R.

Girl R-age 4: Boy J is gonna marry me.

Girl H-age 4: I’m gonna marry Girl S and Girl T.

Girl A-almost 3: I’m gonna marry Girl H.

Over snack Boy S asked Boy L, “L, may I marry you when I’m big?” While yes, he did say “may” and understands English very well (his family speaks a different language at home, however they study English too), I reserve the right to believe he doesn’t quite get what it means to get married.

Things I Learn

Today I was at the preschool again. It was fun. However, first thing I learned was that one of the little boys (who was there yesterday, but not today) has/had lice. So everything in the room was getting a spin in the washer. I don’t notice any on me; I hope it stays that way. I am not sure if the room has them or not, but he did get it from the public school, poor boy. I will be there again tomorrow.

The other thing I learned today was how to make goopy stuff. It is a cross between a water & cornstarch mix and silly putty. You can draw on it with makers and it doesn’t get on your skin. If you sit in on a grate of some sort, or mesh, it will seep through the holes and looks really cool as it drips slowly. I came home and told Jacob about it and he didn’t really believe me, and said he would have to see it to understand what I was saying. So I went and got supplies to make it. Here are a few pictures of what we did at home.

This is the view under the grate just as it is starting to drip.

Here it is dripping just a bit more.

Here it looks kind of like spaghetti after landing.

Now, I can’t go to the preschool and not have good “kids say” stories…

These are from free play.

Girl T-age 3 reads very well and I was using foam blocks to spell words. She sounded the letters out in here head and read very clearly! Well, while she was playing a few minutes later she declared that she is “going to doctor school.” She walked right up to me with her bag of six stethoscopes and proceeded to listen to my “heart” with each one until she could hear me coughing. As soon as I realized what she wanted, I faux-coughed and then she was satisfied.

Girl R-age 4 has a new baby brother at home. I saw her stuff a Cabbage Patch Doll in her shirt, standing in front of a mirror to make sure it is placed right. She went to the hospital where Girl S-age5 (next week) and Girl T (same as above) are doctors. S took tweezers and delivered the baby by pulling on the doll’s leg from under the shirt. T was using the stethoscopes to make sure she could hear the heart beat and make sure there was no coughing. Then R died and S wanted to do an autopsy while T was busy placing tools inside the body…maybe it was so S would find something. S said she needed more blood, and then it was time to clean up to go outside.

Outside was very cold!!! (I need to move to the equator.)

Anyhow, out in the sand box Boy S-age 4 (broccoli ninja boy) was upset by Boy C-age 3 (knucklehead boy) flinging sand into the air with a stick. I asked him why he is telling me, and asked who he needs to tell. So he turned to C and proceeded to tell him the dangers of flinging sand in the air and how it might get in someone’s eyes and that would hurt them, and asking how he would feel if it got in his own eyes. He went on about this for at least a whole min. I would be surprised if C ever flings sand again in his whole life.

Egg On My Car

I can not say at what time it happened, but I do believe it was while we were out of town.  When we got back from Springfield, we stopped by the house to empty the car.  We then went over to a dress rehearsal for a play Jacob is working on (music, not acting).  Right at the start of intermission, the fire alarms in the building went off. Just great, we stood out in the freezing cold for about half an hour.  We don’t know why the alarms went off…

Anyhow, after we got home from that, I went out to my car to go to the store (yes I went to the store, but it was after midnight and we needed milk and butter 🙂 and Ratatouille  just happened to be on sale-so I got it). I noticed something on the ground that looked like an egg shell.  At the time I didn’t really think much about it.  The next morning I went out to the car again to find egg splattered on my car.  Here is a picture of the splatter on the car and one of the egg shell on the ground.


Just Like Abraham Lincoln

For our anniversary we went to Springfield. We went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum. It was really cool! There were awesome artifacts to see and great information to learn. We recommend it to all.

We got to see the marriage license for Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln and learned that President and Mrs. Lincoln were Married 4 November 1842. That is 164 years before us, to the day. So, this weekend they would have been celebrating 165 years! Happy Anniversary to them too.

Quiz 37

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

I Cut My Hair & Gave It Away

For a while now, I have thought about cutting my hair and donating it to Locks of Love. Jacob had an appointment to get his hair cut yesterday, so I went with him. While there I asked Betsy where my hair would end if she cut it for Locks of Love. She showed me and I decided that I was ready to do it.

Here is the before picture:

Yes my hair did go past the cape!

Here is Betsy making the cut:

Here is the final length:

I do not remember what we agreed the number of inches to cut would be, but I measured the length cut off (yes I did keep a small lock of the cut portion to put in my journal!). We cut off 12 inches (or was it just over 11 and a half)!!!

For those of you that know me, this may seem to be cause for concern. Normally I would be going through withdrawal, but not this time. Mostly because it is still pretty long, and also because it is being donated to a great cause. I know many people who have cut their hair for this purpose, many are less than a third my age. I have liked the idea, and finally got myself to the point where I can handle the event. I know, I know, it really ought not be traumatic. I just really like long hair on myself.