I Will Take Ecuador Please

I did dishes today for longer than I ever like doing them. I guess that means it was longer than say, 60 seconds. Anyhow, my hands get all dried out and crack and bleed in the winter. Dishes do not help my winter hands. I really need summer! Or Ecuador, I could take Ecuador, I already speak the language.

On another note, tomorrow is a Christmas party at Jacob’s uncle Kevin’s ward/church. He invited us to come and make some goodies to share. We like Kevin and we like goodies, and we like to make stuff, so this was a nice combination. We had seen in a store “Snowman Hats” for about $10/dozen. It was a sandwich cookie and a marshmallow covered in brown candy coating. Neat idea, ridiculous price. I tried to make them, with Oreos, marshmallows and chocolate. I didn’t quite get it figured out, so we decided to figure something else out tomorrow.

*I am writing this after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

If It’s The Last Thing We Ever Do

Ronda called me and said they needed to “get out of this place.” So I told them to come on over. We had fun. The girls and Gavyn ran all over, climbed the stairs (and the piano). Then as the younger generation started to fall asleep, we started playing games. We decided we need to have get-togethers like this more often. The shorter folk slept on the beanbag chairs and we pulled out the futon for Matt and Ronda.

At first I was shocked that he let her climb up on the piano. Then I realized that Geneva could do anything, and he would think it adorable.

Gavyn found the drumsticks and the practice pad took then into the living room all on his own and started playing.

Both girls loved climbing the stairs.

Gretchyn fell asleep on the kitchen floor while we were playing games.

*I am writing this after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

I Hope She Washed Her Hands

I was at WallyWorld this evening looking for treat supplies. I was standing in the cookie aisle trying to decide if what I wanted to do would work better with regular sized oreos, or the minis. I decided on the regular and turned to put the package into my cart when just a few feet away from me I notice a couple college age girls. Normally I wouldn’t even see them, however one of them had her coat pushed aside and her hand clear down her pants scratching her tookus** (aka her butt). Her friend noticed that there was another person in viewing distance and told her to stop. The craziest part, is that the butt scratcher was not a bit embarrassed. I proceeded to the marshmallows and laughed hard.

*I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so*

** I suppose she could have been adjusting her thong….in any case, she is disgusting!

Slow Day At The Preschool

*I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so*

I was in the infant/toddler side today. I was hobbling and playing with the little ones. It is always a good time. However this year the younger side doesn’t talk much. Last year’s talkers moved to the older side. This is also the first time I have been on the I/T side this year, I think…. There is one little girl J who has a hard time letting her mom drop her off, it is sad to watch. however if we can distract her right away she is fine and will play all day. She especially loves to be outside and swing. Anyhow, today she looked like she was going to cry, so I asked her, “J are you having a good day?” With the look of a cry on her face, and nodding, she replied with a slow, “Y…e..a…h….” And that was the last of the fussy face. She got down and started smiling and playing. Seems she just needed some one to acknowledge her and suggest something pleasant.

How Did That Happen

*I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so*

I was at place* and was not really watching where I was walking.  I took a step** and my foot rolled out from under me.  I heard a crack, and was afraid.  My ankle was not broken*** but it hurts.****

~Note from the future me It hurt for quite a while.  It was mostly done hurting about the time of the next trip down the stairs.~
* The exact location will not be divulged so as to protect the innocent.
** This was a stair-step down, and I was turning around.  I know, dumb me.
*** It was only a sprain. The crack must have been my crazy popping knee.
**** A LOT!

O Tanenbaum O Tanenbaum

Again *

That is right, we got the tree. A pre-lit one too. And amazingly enough, I think it looks better than the picture on the box!

Some day I would like to get a royal blue Star of David to top the tree.**

* I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

** I have for many years wanted to find said star. Alas, I will stick with the angel that is there now, at least until we find some other thing we really like.

Left Overs


The best thing about the feasting holidays is the left over food.  We** made hot browns with Jacob’s family today, it was really good.

We had to go to the*** store to get a few needed items for the hot browns, so while we were there we decided to just price check Christmas trees.  We found one that we can like and the price is not too bad.
*  I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

**  By “we” I mean Jacob.

*** There is more than one store, but really when we say “the store” everybody knows we mean WallyWorld.

Turkey Day Part 3

Admission of delinquency *

Today we had thanksgiving at Jacob’s parents’ house with his mom’s family.  It was a lot of fun.  I really do like that this year all of our places to attend held festivities on different days!  It meant that we got to spend more time with each family, and less stress driving.  Thank you families for making it easier on us.
  The food was great, even though immediately after filling his plate, Jacob dumped it on his dad (background) and the floor (foreground).
   Many of the guys went out and raked leaves for a neighbor that could not do it them self.  This includes the missionaries Elder Koegler** and Elder Bates***.
Kevin, Showing off for the ladies****.
  Will, Imitating Kevin.

We did the traditional craft painting, and we went over to the church and played volleyball.

*  I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

**  He is from Canada, the 52nd state.

***  He is from Utah, and this is his second day in the “field”.

****  Too bad the only women there were his sisters, mom, and nieces.

Turkey Day Part 2


Today we went to my mom’s house. There were people, foods, and cakes. Yes, there was cake. It was my mother’s 100th** Birthday. I had my camera out only a bit, so there are only a few pictures, and mostly of little people.

Jacob was a babe magnet the whole time

Even when he fell asleep

Lydia wanted to play sleep ***

Matt and Ronda tried to teach the G-girls to blow out the candles in preparation for their first birthday****

Proof that Ali learned how to share doing her student teaching*****

I have no idea what they are yelling about this time

* Yes I know I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

** No, it is not really her 100th birthday, sorry Ma, I couldn’t resist.

*** Aiden is not alone in this habit.

**** December 15th

***** Congratulations on finishing!

I Can’t Find It

Sunday we were playing with the laser pointer. That was a lot of fun. But some time on the way home, or yesterday, the cap went missing. It makes me sad, mostly because it means things are out of their order. I looked in my car and out on the ground here and at a friend’s house. So, if any of you that have seen me in the last 2 days sees a shiny little laser pointer cap on the ground, I miss it. Well, I really would like it if it was found, but it just made a dot, so it isn’t the end of the world if I never see it again. But I would think about shedding one tear if it was the Foot shaped cap, now I really do like that one.

Too bad that this story is nothing like the one of the cap I lost at the Grand Canyon from my first laser pointer.