Mallory came to stay last weekend with us*. We made her earn her keep. Only we wouldn’t let her wash the dishes.
We surprised her by showing up for her play on Friday night.** Then we went over to see Rick, Ginny, and Skyler for a little bit and played nerts. Being Martin’s birthday, we called to sing him “Happy Birthday”, but poor Ashley had to hear us instead. When we got to Macomb, I gave Mallory about 30 wipes*** to clean the stage make-up off of her face. We got up early the next morning so we could go be time/score keepers for the stake basketball tournament. That was fun, just ask Mallory
. She and I then left Jacob at the house and we went to the pet stores to get me some fish.**** Mallory had never seen Johnny Lingo so I had her watch that as we were trying to get up the motivation to make some bread. It was yummy. And we made some cinnamon rolls too-they were delicious. Good job Mal, I made her do a lot of the work.***** We made lemon-lime pepper chicken, homemade french-fries, and peas for supper. Mallory was in charge****** of the peas, and mostly the fries. And I had her be the taste tester for the Chicken. Oddly enough, all that was left-over were the peas. (I ate them the next day.) We went over to Jacob’s parent’s house and played more nerts. ******* Sunday Mallory helped out in the nursery because our regular teachers were out of town or sick. I hope she had fun in Macomb, even if she did have to sleep on the futon.
This is the yeast, rising for the bread.
Making fries.
Cooking Peas.
While they waited for me to finish cooking the chicken, Jacob gave her a lesson on cymbals.
*Not this last one, the one before it. I am just getting slower at documenting things.
**Martin’s Birthday-the real one, not the one we normally celebrate for him
***So she probably really only used 5 or 6, but you get the idea, there was way too much make-up on her face.
****Yes I finally set the tank up after all the fish died last summer. However, there are only 2 fish left. Sonny and Cher. They look like they will survive. I hope so, I am done with dying fish.
*****It is kind of hard to say we made her do it, she volunteered to do everything.
******We even had her wearing a Chef’s coat.
******You would think we like the game or something.