Long Time Over Due Post

On Thursday (now a week ago) I went up to Ronda’s to watch the big girls so Ronda and G1 could get their eyes checked. We had fun. I have pictures somewhere of that. I am not sure if they are still on the camera or on the computer, but I am too lazy to find them at the moment. While I was up, We had some fun conversations with G1.

Conversation 1:

We were dropping Matt’s supper off to him at the rail yard
G1 unbuckled his seatbelt as Ronda started the car to leave
Marcia: buckle that
Ronda stopped the car for him to buckle up
G1: I’ll buckle it at home
Marcia: you’ll buckle it now
He did.

Conversation 2:

Immediately following the 1st conversation
G1: I want to see trains
Ronda: There are trains all around us look out the windows
G1: I don’t see trains
Marcia: (pointing at the engine next to us) What is that?
G1: Not trains
A few seconds lapse.
G1: (points to a long train out the other window) That’s not a train…. It’s cars

Conversation 3:

(Ronda was holding change for a reason I can not remember at this time, we were parked in the car)
G1: I want a quarter
Ronda: I’ll give you a penny
G1: A nickel
Ronda: I’ll give you a penny
G1: A nickel
Ronda: I don’t have a nickel, I’ll give you a penny
G1: Marcia has a nickel
Marcia: Actually I do not have a nickel today
Ronda: Want a dime?
G1: Nnnnnnnnyes, a nickel
Ronda: It is not a negotiation
G1: It a nenanenatin (more or less sounded like that)

Conversation 4:

Not quite sure what started this one….
Marcia: G1 you crack me up
G1: I did not wake you up
Marcia: No, you did not wake me up
G1: I make you happy
Marcia: Yes you do
(This is where I get teary)

And now for a video that I was supposed to post almost 2 months ago of G2 and G3 climbing back and forth in the two cribs when Ronda was in the hospital to have G4.

WARNING the video is 4 and a half minutes long.


The funniest part of the whole flopping back and forth thing is that in the morning G2 went back to her crib before getting my attention, and stood there looking pathetic trying to get me to believe that she was “stuck” in her crib!


*Yes this is the same post I put on the GMF site.

Quiz 53

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

Quiz 52

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

It Is A Fire

This is not the same kind of fire that was on Ronda’s spatula.  It was a camp fire we had at an overnight camp out we did in preparation for girls camp.  We made the girls sleep in tents since we knew there were not going to be tents at the camp.  We had a lot of fun.  A post is forthcoming on the week long camp out.

Quiz 51

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

Technology issues in the election

OK, I’m really going to try not to be political with this. It’s already pretty clear who we support in the upcoming election, but I thought putting together this list would be interesting.

The following is a list of four major technology-related issues that are important in the upcoming presidential election, and the candidates’ positions on them. I will say that I don’t agree 100% with either candidate here, and I’ll try to be as objective as possible in putting together this list. Here goes…

Net Neutrality

What it is: Currently, your internet service provider (ISP) is required to give all internet traffic equal treatment, whether you are looking at ebay, cnn.com, or jacobandmarcia.com. This basically ensures that you can get what you want, when you want it. Some ISPs have announced their intention to begin treating some traffic with greater priority than others. For example, yahoo.com might pay your ISP to give preferential treatment to them, which means that yahoo will work faster than google, or any other website that doesn’t pay for priority handling.

Barack Obama’s stance: Supports enacting a law to ensure a neutral internet

John McCain’s stance: Believes ISPs should be able to determine what content they deliver and how they deliver it

Intellectual Property Protection

What it is: Copyrights, patents, and all that stuff.

Obama: Wants to ensure that intellectual property (IP) is well protected both in the USA and internationally

McCain: Says government should handle blatant IP issues, but warns against “protectionism”

Broadband Availability

What is is: Helping as many people as possible have access to fast, always-on, internet connections.

Obama: Supports government involvement in getting broadband access for everyone. Also wants to change the legal definition of “broadband:” Currently the government defines broadband as 200kb/s or faster. Obama wants to raise that number so that it has to be faster to qualify as “broadband.” (For the sake of reference, at 200 kb/s, it will take about 3 minutes to download a typical pop music mp3).

McCain: Supports increased broadband access via competition between ISPs, instead of government intervention. No comment from McCain on the definition of “broadband.”

Internet and Telephone Privacy

What’s the big deal? The internet has created a whole new world of privacy issues: How long should a website that you buy something from keep your credit card number? How much personal information should myspace and facebook be allowed to publish to the masses? What about information about your children? Also, the national security climate has led to government agencies listening in on phone calls or monitoring internet use without a warrant (“warrantless wiretapping”). Many believe that this is unconstitutional, while others argue that it is not actually “search and seizure” as defined by the constitution. When the issue finally makes it to the supreme court, IF it is deemed to be unconstitutional, an interesting legal question arises as to the liability of the telephone companies and ISPs that participated in the wiretap.

Obama: Wants to increase the Federal Telecommunications Commission’s budget to give them more resources to track down cyber-criminals. Wants to update laws to ensure that information gathered for national security is properly used, and that all intelligence-gathering is done by completely legal means.

McCain: Supports retroactive immunity for companies that participated in warantless wiretapping. Believes the government should use all instruments of national power to fight the war against terrorists. Says that this must be done without “impinge[ing] on the rights of our own citizens or restrict[ing] their freedoms.”

As already stated, we’re supporting Obama this time around, but I tried to make this list as objective as possible and to not take anything out of context, giving each candidate a valid representation in terms of the technological issues that we currently face.

Without pushing my views on you, the only thing I’m going to encourage you to do is to make sure you’re registered to vote, and when the time comes, go out and vote!

Quiz 50

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

Edit June 2nd:  I have decided to leave the quiz up for another week, so people can have a chance to guess, like Ronda who just had a baby and was unavailable last week for commentary.

One Month Ago

Cher had 71 babies. 53 are surviving as far as I know. That is how many babies there were when I let them out of the confining smaller floating tanks into the big tank to “swim free”. I have been checking the filter to make sure no babies have been sucked up, and I have not found any in there yet. I also have not seen Sonny or Cher eating any of the babies, so I can only assume that there are still 53 babies in the tank. I also have not found any dead ones. The babies are growing pretty well, and swim out there with mom and dad.

I finally returned to the project of putting the birthing video together. This is only a few of the babies coming out. Some are born faster and some go slower, I guess it just depends on the size of the baby fish. In part of the video we can see dad hanging around trying to get to the tasty little fry.


By the way, Cher is pregnant again. I can see little baby eyes in her, and guessing on the size they are and how big she is not compared to last month, I do not think she will be having 71 this time. Good for her.

Update May 19th: I woke up this morning and she had her babies, there were 8 of them and I think only 5 will make it.  So, now is the chance for anyone to speak up if their little one wants to name a baby fish.  Noah, what do you think?