Our honeymoon video – NOT THAT KIND!

Our big “secret honeymoon” was to Bardolph, Illinois St. Louis, Missouri. We had a Great time and got to see lots. The Highlight of the trip was our visit to the zoo. We were able to watch the feedings of the sea lions and the penguins. However the most remarkable part was what we heard in the ape house. Listen to the video for what is said six seconds in.

Jacob says “You’ll never hear THAT on the Discovery Channel!”

5 thoughts on “Our honeymoon video – NOT THAT KIND!”

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhAHAHAHhAhAhAHA! That is too awesome. Just thought I would let you know…even though I’ve already told Marcia. Anywhos, yay. That was awesome.

  2. Marcia,
    That was almost as good as you telling me about it! You are a riot! Thanks for the laughs the other night. We HAVE to get together again…and I’m not just saying that. ;P

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