Left Overs


The best thing about the feasting holidays is the left over food.  We** made hot browns with Jacob’s family today, it was really good.

We had to go to the*** store to get a few needed items for the hot browns, so while we were there we decided to just price check Christmas trees.  We found one that we can like and the price is not too bad.
*  I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

**  By “we” I mean Jacob.

*** There is more than one store, but really when we say “the store” everybody knows we mean WallyWorld.

Turkey Day Part 3

Admission of delinquency *

Today we had thanksgiving at Jacob’s parents’ house with his mom’s family.  It was a lot of fun.  I really do like that this year all of our places to attend held festivities on different days!  It meant that we got to spend more time with each family, and less stress driving.  Thank you families for making it easier on us.
  The food was great, even though immediately after filling his plate, Jacob dumped it on his dad (background) and the floor (foreground).
   Many of the guys went out and raked leaves for a neighbor that could not do it them self.  This includes the missionaries Elder Koegler** and Elder Bates***.
Kevin, Showing off for the ladies****.
  Will, Imitating Kevin.

We did the traditional craft painting, and we went over to the church and played volleyball.

*  I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

**  He is from Canada, the 52nd state.

***  He is from Utah, and this is his second day in the “field”.

****  Too bad the only women there were his sisters, mom, and nieces.

Turkey Day Part 2


Today we went to my mom’s house. There were people, foods, and cakes. Yes, there was cake. It was my mother’s 100th** Birthday. I had my camera out only a bit, so there are only a few pictures, and mostly of little people.

Jacob was a babe magnet the whole time

Even when he fell asleep

Lydia wanted to play sleep ***

Matt and Ronda tried to teach the G-girls to blow out the candles in preparation for their first birthday****

Proof that Ali learned how to share doing her student teaching*****

I have no idea what they are yelling about this time

* Yes I know I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

** No, it is not really her 100th birthday, sorry Ma, I couldn’t resist.

*** Aiden is not alone in this habit.

**** December 15th

***** Congratulations on finishing!

Turkey Day Part 1

We went to my dad’s house today for the big dinner. There was good food, and lots of good company. Here are pictures and a video.

Jacob and Geneva
Gavyn likes to play with Skyler (look at that smile)
Katy and Sarah cuddling
Mallory drinking from Jesse’s cup

Abby holding Geneva holding Boo (see Ali too)

Gavyn making pizza for me
Skyler wanted this picture
Skyler took this picture
My pretty sister with her pretty girls

Skyler on the run (he said he didn’t want his picture taken)
Ginny and Uncle Ricky
Grandma Sandra and Gretchyn

It took a little bit, but Lydia warmed up to me
Geneva was all worn out from eating and playing
Look at her teeth (Geneva)
Gretchyn wanted to check out my teeth
{removed} Gavyn was doing somersaults and she wanted to try, it was cute to watch. This time I think she is trying a backwards one.
Delores, Kyle, and Jacob waiting…or resting
Gretchyn is sharing her seat with Lydia
Lydia and her cute smile
Classic shot, Jacob sitting next to a pretty girl (my sister Mallory) and what is he doing? Reading!
Crackers all over the place, and she would rather eat her toes

Video: {removed}

Volleyball Tournament

I am not really all that into sports, but I love to play volleyball and soccer (the true football). Today was the Stake Volleyball Tournament for Church. My friends that are in charge of organizing it called me and asked if I could help out with the sign-in process (Corey had to be out of town, and Hal didn’t want to man it alone). I gladly said “yes,” it was an opportunity for me to practice my OCD coping skills. I would just get the papers in order and some random person would come up and mix them up. Oh well, I can get over it, if I have to, I guess.

We played well. Our young men had fun playing. Our young women were the winners of the Consolation Bracket (in layman’s terms, the looser’s bracket) They only lost one match; they did very well. The youth coed team placed second. Our adult men’s (Jacob) team got first place, as did the adult women’s (mine) team. We had two adult coed teams, team B got first place and team A got second place. Jacob and I were on team A, with his parents, Ally Campbell, David Connelly, and Rob Deveraux. It was a lot of fun.

Funny note: one boy (I am guessing about 12 years old) asked, “What field are we playing on?”

Bippity Boppity Boo

Today I had to make a trip half an hour away, spend my 7 minutes and turn around and come home. It would have only been 3 minutes there, but I had to stop by DQ and get the delicious Pumpkin Pie Blizzards to bring home to Jacob (I had one too).
As I drive I like to listen to the oldies radio station. One of the ads used the Bippity Boppity Boo song from Cinderella. As I listened to the commercial I was singing along with it, and was annoyed very much by the talking over it (however, I can not remember what the commercial was for). Though it did make me want to come home and watch the movie…right until I realized that we do not own it.

We don’t own it because some one I live with, who shall remain nameless, had a bad experience with Cinderella. I have not yet been told, “If you want it just get it.” So if anyone out there has an extra copy of this movie, I know a lady that would enjoy it.

What Parenting Book Said That

Jacob and I actually made a menu for the the week and I shopped off the menu. Go us!

While shopping, I saw a mom that was playing with her daughter in the cart. I am guessing the girl to be about 5 years old. They were playing and I thought about how cute it was to see them playing. Right until out of the blue the mom said, “Back off b****!” Now, I thought maybe it was just a slip of the tongue this one time. No, no it was not just one time. I could hear her from 3 and 4 aisles over, and every time she talked to her daughter she called her this name and told her some negative thing about herself. It made me feel bad for the little girl. I have seen in many people with the effects of this kind of talk, and it is not a good outcome.

On a some what funnier side, I saw a woman walking around the store using her cell phone like a walkie-talkie. At one point she said, “Put the cheese down crack-head.” I have no idea of the back story, but it made me laugh, so I wrote it down.

Things I Learn

Today I was at the preschool again. It was fun. However, first thing I learned was that one of the little boys (who was there yesterday, but not today) has/had lice. So everything in the room was getting a spin in the washer. I don’t notice any on me; I hope it stays that way. I am not sure if the room has them or not, but he did get it from the public school, poor boy. I will be there again tomorrow.

The other thing I learned today was how to make goopy stuff. It is a cross between a water & cornstarch mix and silly putty. You can draw on it with makers and it doesn’t get on your skin. If you sit in on a grate of some sort, or mesh, it will seep through the holes and looks really cool as it drips slowly. I came home and told Jacob about it and he didn’t really believe me, and said he would have to see it to understand what I was saying. So I went and got supplies to make it. Here are a few pictures of what we did at home.

This is the view under the grate just as it is starting to drip.

Here it is dripping just a bit more.

Here it looks kind of like spaghetti after landing.

Now, I can’t go to the preschool and not have good “kids say” stories…

These are from free play.

Girl T-age 3 reads very well and I was using foam blocks to spell words. She sounded the letters out in here head and read very clearly! Well, while she was playing a few minutes later she declared that she is “going to doctor school.” She walked right up to me with her bag of six stethoscopes and proceeded to listen to my “heart” with each one until she could hear me coughing. As soon as I realized what she wanted, I faux-coughed and then she was satisfied.

Girl R-age 4 has a new baby brother at home. I saw her stuff a Cabbage Patch Doll in her shirt, standing in front of a mirror to make sure it is placed right. She went to the hospital where Girl S-age5 (next week) and Girl T (same as above) are doctors. S took tweezers and delivered the baby by pulling on the doll’s leg from under the shirt. T was using the stethoscopes to make sure she could hear the heart beat and make sure there was no coughing. Then R died and S wanted to do an autopsy while T was busy placing tools inside the body…maybe it was so S would find something. S said she needed more blood, and then it was time to clean up to go outside.

Outside was very cold!!! (I need to move to the equator.)

Anyhow, out in the sand box Boy S-age 4 (broccoli ninja boy) was upset by Boy C-age 3 (knucklehead boy) flinging sand into the air with a stick. I asked him why he is telling me, and asked who he needs to tell. So he turned to C and proceeded to tell him the dangers of flinging sand in the air and how it might get in someone’s eyes and that would hurt them, and asking how he would feel if it got in his own eyes. He went on about this for at least a whole min. I would be surprised if C ever flings sand again in his whole life.

Egg On My Car

I can not say at what time it happened, but I do believe it was while we were out of town.  When we got back from Springfield, we stopped by the house to empty the car.  We then went over to a dress rehearsal for a play Jacob is working on (music, not acting).  Right at the start of intermission, the fire alarms in the building went off. Just great, we stood out in the freezing cold for about half an hour.  We don’t know why the alarms went off…

Anyhow, after we got home from that, I went out to my car to go to the store (yes I went to the store, but it was after midnight and we needed milk and butter 🙂 and Ratatouille  just happened to be on sale-so I got it). I noticed something on the ground that looked like an egg shell.  At the time I didn’t really think much about it.  The next morning I went out to the car again to find egg splattered on my car.  Here is a picture of the splatter on the car and one of the egg shell on the ground.


Just Like Abraham Lincoln

For our anniversary we went to Springfield. We went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum. It was really cool! There were awesome artifacts to see and great information to learn. We recommend it to all.

We got to see the marriage license for Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln and learned that President and Mrs. Lincoln were Married 4 November 1842. That is 164 years before us, to the day. So, this weekend they would have been celebrating 165 years! Happy Anniversary to them too.