It Is Still This Week

I know I said I would get a picture up of my hair this wek, so I am still safe.  I am again in Panera waiting to get on a train to head home now (we are in Chicago).  And this is a picture of my hair (me in the mirror at the hotel in Utah, so my hair kinda didn’t want to behave as well as I would have liked… not enough humidity in the air there.  I have used a ton of hand lotion trying to not crack my hands open.

My hair is pretty short now, but I like it.  Jacob does too, and if you ask him, that is what counts.  🙂

I Am Unable To Post The Answer From Last Month

Sorry about that.  I left it in my other computer.  Just so everyone knows, we were able to get a new car form the rental place, nicer, much NICER and at the same rate.  It has been a busy, busy month.  We were able to get to Kentucky for Megean and David’s wedding.  It was fun and busy.  Jacob ended up playing the piano for the ring ceremony.  Tomorrow will be one month of marriage for them, I hope they still like eachother 🙂  They are a cute couple and very photogenic.  Though I am not going to post pictures, I want them to be able to do that first.  We made it home safely and on the way we found a really cool outlet mall in Indiana.  We found tennis shoes that we have been looking for and like.  Right now we are sitting in a Panera waiting to go to the airport.  And we will be in SLC for the week!  We are alive, we are very busy.  as soon as we got back from Kentucky, we went to work, got sick (me from the preschool germs,a nd jacob from my germs from the preschool), we traveled all ovver the place, and we had both cars go very south on us, so we end up getting a new car.  Well, new to us, it is an old mssion car.  We both like it, which surprises both of us very much.  Life is good when we are working.  Oh, and I got my hair cut again.  Picture to come later, today or sometimethis week.  And some sort of a quiz, is forth comming too, you just can’t have the last one’s answer until we get back home.

Mistakes made by other people

Last week, we had two experiences where we derived benefit from the mistakes of others:

Story #1:

We were at one of our local department stores, buying pieces for a halloween costume.  We went as convicts, which was simple to do: scrubs with a number painted on, and some makeshift waist-chain handcuffs.  We found the scrubs, but the top didn’t have a price tag on it.  No big deal, we assumed it was the same price as all the other tops, which was $10 or so.

When we went to check out, the cashier rang up our things, and when he got to the scrub top, he started looking for the price tag, which was nowhere to be find.  He looked a bit perplexed and annoyed, and Marcia said “it must be free!” (This is something we often say when a price isn’t immediately apparent, and doesn’t usually get much response from cashiers, especially at this store that doesn’t like to give up a cent if they can avoid it.)

The cashier looked at Marcia, and then said in a rather pathetic I-have-a-cold-and-feel-like-crap voice, “And I’m gonna give it to you free too, because I’m sick and don’t want to be here.”  And then he put the scrub top in the bag without another thought.

Free scrubs! Score one for Marcia and the sick cashier.

Story #2:

Saturday night, we decided to order pizza.  We had a coupon: Buy an extra large specialty pizza at regular price, get a large one-topping free.  We thought that was a pretty good deal, so we called and ordered.  This particular pizza place has a specialty pizza that Marcia really loves.  To protect the innocent, we’ll call it the “spinach” pizza.  We ordered an extra large spinach pizza, and got a large pizza with tomatoes (yes, tomatoes are excellent for a one-topping pizza) free.

We went and picked up the order, and when we got home and opened the pizzas (ALWAYS check the order before you leave the store… I know better), we found that the spinach pizza had onions and mushrooms all over it – both things that Marcia doesn’t like on her pizza, and which I didn’t remember ordering.

I called back to the pizza place, and explained that I thought there was a mistake.  At first, the guy said “that’s what comes on the spinach pizza, which is what you ordered.”  Then he realized what had happened: There is also a “spinach DELUXE” pizza in their computer system, and he had printed a ticket for the deluxe, when we had only ordered the regular.  He asked if I wanted a regular spinach pizza instead, and I said yes.

I went to exchange the corrected pizza (they did offer to deliver it free, but it’s faster to just go pick it up), and when I took the original offending pizza in, they said I could keep that too, since all they would do is throw it away anyway.  While Marcia won’t eat the mushrooms and onions, I will, so free pizza for me!

So, TWO extra large pizzas and one large for the price of one extra large – that’s a pretty good deal.  Score two for me and the pizza guy with marginal reading comprehension skills.

Happy Two Years Two Us

I had two work at the preschool twoday.  It was fun.  Maybe twomorrow I will be up two telling stories.  Twoday Jacob surprised me by showing up with a dozen pretty pink roses.  Making all the Girls that work there say, “Aawww!”  I was impressed two.

We went out two eat.  We had not tried the restaurant yet, and had heard mixed reviews.  It was ok.  I have leftovers two eat later or for dinner twomorrow.  And two commemorate the day we took a picture of ourselves.  I love you!

If we can manage it, this picture intends two make it intwo the rotation in the poloroid frame.

Oh, and we voted, though Jacob did not get a sticker.

I Love This Cereal

They are Fruity Cheerios.

I discovered these at the preschool.  They use them at snack time.  I tasted them to see if I might like them.  I do.  They are not covered in “frosting” and do not leave a slime covering in the mouth or bowl, like certain other round fruit flavored cereals.  When Matt, Ronda, and the Gs were here this last week, they approved them.  And you get Box Tops for Education on the box.

I will be working at the preschool all this week.  I have been pretty busy working there and taking care of other things, so if I can find the energy I will be posting stuff.

Look Lady

Saturday when we went up on the train to Chicago, there was a little family sitting in front of us. On the way back, we happened to be sitting across the aisle from them. They were a family of 3 and in the next couple weeks they will be a family of 4. Brave woman traveling at 8.5 months pregnant. They are expecting a little girl. They have an almost 3 yr old girl. She seemed to think I am nice or something…. She was very well behaved and quiet on the ride up. On the way back she was a lot of fun. She started the return journey by sharing all the bad words she knows (at least I hope that is all she knows, and I am sure her parents hope so too). Her dad was laughing and her mom was appalled. She took to calling me “Lady” Here are some things she said (no, not the bad words):

~ Lady get out of Chicago ~ Lady where are you going? ~ Lady go to sleep ~ Mom did the Lady wake up? ~ Look Lady! (she just wanted to show me some toys she got while in Chicago, but it totally sounded like I was in trouble) ~ Lady you are bothering people ~

The last one was followed by me telling her- I can’t be bothering him I am married to him. (I was kneeling in my seat talking to Jacob and John-I am married to Jacob.)

Girl – gives me a funny look

Dad – Stop calling her Lady, I am sure she has a name, ask her what it is.

Girl – Lady what is your name?

Lady – Marcia

Girl – Marcia, can you come to my house?

Lady – Do you have toys for me?

Girl – Yes

Lady – I’m sorry, I don’t think I can go there, I don’t know where you live.

Mom – (in disbelief that her daughter is talking to a complete stranger -mostly, she did see us on the train earlier) She will probably tell you.

I think Gavyn and Aiden would have had a blast with this little girl!

While in Chicago we visited Millennium Park, I had never been there before.

Here we are in the Bean.

Here is our reflection in the Bean.

The green arrow points to us.

I Am Totally Writing This From My iPod

I came up to Ronda and Matt’s house so they could go have an Anniversary Date without the kids. This morning Matt, G1, and I had to run to the store, no Jacob, it was not wally world. While in the car:
G1- Hi momma
Me- Who are you talking to?
G1- Mommy
Me- Are you talking to her telepathically?
G1- Yes

So Ronda I hope you got the message this morning!

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

Oh what a relief it is!  I feel good right now.  I have been released as Primary Secretary.

I made an executive decision.  Rick is the only one that has guessed on last week’s quiz, so I am going to leave it again for this week to see if we can get more guesses.  My decision is not telling if he is right or wrong, I just want more guesses is all.  Call me selfish if you want, I just like seeing the comment number increase.