To spend on any random thing I don’t NEED, but WANT, it would be this:
Author: Marcia
Who You Gonna Write
We do not subscribe to cable or dish. We do our TV watching at other people’s houses or online. One of the shows that we have come to love is The Big Bang Theory. However, I (we) am upset with CBS at the moment. All last season (and we waited patiently through the writers’ strike) CBS would post the full episodes about 2 hours after the show aired on TV. This Monday was the premiere of the season. They still have not put the episode online. I am mad, I love the show, and I can’t watch it! They taunt me by telling me I can watch the highlights of the show, as if that will quench my thirst for laughter. WRONG! I want to watch the episode and decide for myself what my favorite part of the show is/was. So here I sit, frantically refreshing my browser window hoping that there just was some kind of technical failure and that any second now, they will allow me my humorous geek fix (since they certainly have not posted any news about not providing the episodes online-that I have seen, and if they do, I am sure I will cry). Hopefully it will happen before I throw the computer out the window.
Quiz 59
This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.
Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!
Brick Wall
Arrr I Kick Me In The Seat Of Me Pants
Yesterday was “Talk Like a Pirate Day” and I missed out until 9:30 pm. This makes me sad-ish. I still had 2 hours to play.
I bought pants onWednesday. They fit nicely. I decided I needed a second pair, as pants rarely fit me nicely. I went back yesterday to get a pair. The label looked exactly the same, when I got home to compare them. I tried them on, the new ones didn’t fit so nicely. Baffled, I looked at the tag again. They looked identical, or so I thought. The first pair was made in Pakistan. The second pair was made in Egypt. Apparently Egypt has smaller inches than Pakistan. When holding them next to each other I see that there are two inches in difference. I took the second pair back for the Pakistan made jeans. I like my jeans loose.
Five Fewer Fish
I wasn’t working per se, but I did go in to the preschool. I donated 5 fish, 2 Yellows and 3 Hammers, very pregnant Hammers. So now I have about 42 fish in the tank still. I went over to take the fish, and to take more “class photos.” The kids are cute, but very active and some absolutely refuse to smile for the camera. Some say “cheese” and this is what the mouth ends up doing.
Now, I am sure they think they are smiling, but that is not the shot Mommy and Daddy will want to use to order prints for the grandparents. We need to come up with a better word to use to make kids smile for pictures. Any suggestions?
It is an absolutely great feeling when a person (young or old) tells me they won’t smile, and they eventually do, or I am able to catch them off guard and make them smile for me. In the end, I was able to get natural smiles out of these three, but I had to work for it.
I Don’t Want To Smile
Today I was at the preschool again. The funniest thing I heard…backtracking, I was on the infant side, and I was also taking pictures for class pictures. So the best thing I heard a kid say was Girl J (3 years) “I do not have a camera like that at my house.” I told her that was ok. I got a hand full of good shots, but it was a little too chilly for the kids. I am hoping that tomorrow will be a nicer day temperature wise so we can get a lot more good shots. One of the student workers saw some of the pictures I had on the camera and said she thinks I “should get into photography”…. Speaking of which I have a couple more good shots of a spider, another barn spider (I think), this one is outside my desk window. I think this one is the male or female, which ever the other one is not, since it has just slightly different coloring. If it is a different kind, I am interested in knowing what it is. I seem to feel less afraid of them when I know what they are and where they are coming from.
Plop Plop Fizz Fizz
Oh what a relief it is! I feel good right now. I have been released as Primary Secretary.
I made an executive decision. Rick is the only one that has guessed on last week’s quiz, so I am going to leave it again for this week to see if we can get more guesses. My decision is not telling if he is right or wrong, I just want more guesses is all. Call me selfish if you want, I just like seeing the comment number increase.
Charlotte Is Her Name
I took the spider in to the preschool this morning. I looked through Karen’s book about them and the closest we could figure was a Barn Spider. So, I looked on line for a picture to match better and sure enough the underside is better for identifying. She is a Barn Spider. Her full name is Charlotte A. Cavatica. It was kind of fun to learn that she is Charlotte, for whom Charlotte’s Webb was written. Here is a picture of her in her new home aka not my kitchen….
This also happens to show off her belly quite well, and her missing back right leg (her right).
This is Hope the praying mantis I gathered off a car at Enrichment last night.
Sun Rise & Spider
Yesterday morning as I was taking the trash to the “curb” I noticed it was very foggy out. I looked up and this is what I saw:
I love this. So I took a minute and grabbed the camera for a few shots.
This morning Jacob and I had to take my car in for an alignment. We walked laps around the town square for two miles, and walked a mile home*. It was nice to have him walk with me, my normal walking buddy wasn’t there this morning. We were talking about how the preschool is doing a unit on bugs and insects and spiders and such. When we got home, Jacob was in the kitchen and told me he found something I can take to the preschool. There was this giant spider! It took a lot of convincing, but in the end he trapped it for me. I am too short to reach the celing even with a chair. It would not come out of the glass, so it will stay in there till I get it to the preschool (likely tomorrow). Here are some pictures.
The spider in his/her current home.
Now, I do not know what kind this is, if any of you do know, we(I) would really be interested in knowing. In any case s/he can’t eat my food now.
*What I am not telling you is that we stopped for a healthy breakfast on the way home. It was good.