Look Lady

Saturday when we went up on the train to Chicago, there was a little family sitting in front of us. On the way back, we happened to be sitting across the aisle from them. They were a family of 3 and in the next couple weeks they will be a family of 4. Brave woman traveling at 8.5 months pregnant. They are expecting a little girl. They have an almost 3 yr old girl. She seemed to think I am nice or something…. She was very well behaved and quiet on the ride up. On the way back she was a lot of fun. She started the return journey by sharing all the bad words she knows (at least I hope that is all she knows, and I am sure her parents hope so too). Her dad was laughing and her mom was appalled. She took to calling me “Lady” Here are some things she said (no, not the bad words):

~ Lady get out of Chicago ~ Lady where are you going? ~ Lady go to sleep ~ Mom did the Lady wake up? ~ Look Lady! (she just wanted to show me some toys she got while in Chicago, but it totally sounded like I was in trouble) ~ Lady you are bothering people ~

The last one was followed by me telling her- I can’t be bothering him I am married to him. (I was kneeling in my seat talking to Jacob and John-I am married to Jacob.)

Girl – gives me a funny look

Dad – Stop calling her Lady, I am sure she has a name, ask her what it is.

Girl – Lady what is your name?

Lady – Marcia

Girl – Marcia, can you come to my house?

Lady – Do you have toys for me?

Girl – Yes

Lady – I’m sorry, I don’t think I can go there, I don’t know where you live.

Mom – (in disbelief that her daughter is talking to a complete stranger -mostly, she did see us on the train earlier) She will probably tell you.

I think Gavyn and Aiden would have had a blast with this little girl!

While in Chicago we visited Millennium Park, I had never been there before.

Here we are in the Bean.

Here is our reflection in the Bean.

The green arrow points to us.

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

I did it.  Yesterday.  Can you believe I cut off a foot of my hair (well, Betsy actually cut it), and I haven’t cried yet.  I really do like it.  I think it is cute, and while it is odd to have my hair so short, I am not having second thoughts.  Here are pictures of the haircut.

That is a lot of hair!

Back view

First cut

The foot of hair

The votes are in and the popular vote says either hair C or F.  I think there was one more person who said C than F.  However, I love F.  I have since the first time I saw it placed on my head.  That is what I went with.  I hope you like it, if not, too late, it is done.  Also, if you don’t like it, please pretend to.


Flipped out

I did not color it.  I would love to color it bright red, perhaps some day.  The coloring is off because I took this under bathroom lights.  But you get the idea.

Quiz 61

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es. En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto. ¡Suerte!

I Am Totally Writing This From My iPod

I came up to Ronda and Matt’s house so they could go have an Anniversary Date without the kids. This morning Matt, G1, and I had to run to the store, no Jacob, it was not wally world. While in the car:
G1- Hi momma
Me- Who are you talking to?
G1- Mommy
Me- Are you talking to her telepathically?
G1- Yes

So Ronda I hope you got the message this morning!

The Winds Of Change

We all know that I have long hair.  We also know I love long hair.  Some of us know that I stress the idea of cutting my hair.  Some of us know that I often “get really sad” after cutting my hair.  However winter is coming.  I hate winter.  I wish I liked autumn.  But I don’t.  Sure it is pretty with all the colorful leaves and the white snow that blankets the earth.  But it is cold, and often wet, and generally the wet is cold.  This leaves me with migraines.  And I do not enjoy them.  My hair (I bet you are all wondering how this relates?) does not cause the problem, but when I am suffering, my hair is heavy and hurts me more.  So, after the last couple weeks of unpleasantness, and almost chopping off my hair, myself, I have decided to get a cute cut.  I am not quite sure how I want to cut it exactly.  So I did some research and found some hair-styles.  I put them on my head, and I want to know what y’all think.

Multiple choice:







Preschool Talk

So, I have a few gems from today’s trip.  Then I have a few gems from the spring, when I was in a bad blogging funk and just had the quotes on slips of paper.  I have had them hiding on my desk waiting for me to get in the blogging mood again, and I recently found them.  So here it goes (today’s only, I will try to get the past ones with tomorrow’s quotes, I will be at the preschool again) :

I was on the floor playing puzzles with Girl M (2 y 11 m, and is often being told to “walk away” because we don’t hit our friends, take from our fiends, throw rocks/sand at our friends, push our friends, but she is super smart and very energetic, so I was happy to give her one-on-one positive time), when Girl A (3 y 9.5 m) walked through, who also is often told to “walk away” for being bossy and not listening.

Girl A:  Excuse me M.

Me:  That was very nice of you A.

Girl M: Excuse me, too! (with that tone of “please compliment me too!”)

During free play Girl J (3 y) and Girl EM (3 y 6 m) made it a point to come up to me:  Me and EM are going to the store to buy dishes for the party.

Me:  Sounds fun. (But I don’t know if that was my invitation, or if they wanted to make sure I knew there was a party I was not invited to…. Knowing them, I think it was my invitation.)

Boy M (3 y 5 m) came running past us then:  The bus is here!  Choo! Choo!

Morning meeting:

A couple weeks ago Mr S was telling the kids about the ants in his yard moving to another part of the yard, and how there were ants carrying eggs.  Today Mr S was having them answer questions or do research on the list of questions they had come up with.  One of the questions was about if insects take care of their babies.  Some of the kids remembered Mr S’s ants

Boy A (4 y 6 m):  We should take a trip to your house and see the baby ants.

Mr S:  We don’t need to go to my house, we have ants here on the playground.

Outside in the sandbox:

Boy MM (3 y 5 m) and his baby sister  Baby E (1 y 2 m) were playing quietly in separate corners of the sand box (this boy is also very often told to “walk away” for many of the same reasons Girl M is told to).  MM walked up to Baby E and kissed her on the forehead, and then just looked at her and talked to her for a few min.  It was heart warming.

Then Girl M:  Where is my mom and dad?

Me:  At work?

Girl M:  My mommy plays in the garden

Me:  What does she do in the garden?

Girl M:  I don’t know

At the of nap time I was holding Baby J (6 m) and Girl T (4 y 7 m) wanted to talk to the baby

Girl T:  I am going to spell my name for you, * * * * * *. (Then she proceeded to tell her about the good places to visit when she is older.)  Something something something, Myrtle Beach.  My family went there when I was 2, almost 3.  

Me:  (I know  she wasn’t talking to me, but I asked her a question anyhow)  Did you like Myrtle Beach?

Girl T:  Yes, it was fun.  We played on the Beach until I got a bad sun burn.  Ouch!

After the kids all woke up Girl T and Girl EH (5 y 1 m) were cutting pieces of paper asking everyone if we wanted tickets.

EH:  Do you want a ticket?

T:   Get your free tickets here

Me: Are  they traffic tickets?

T:  No, they are train tickets

Miss A:  Oh, I can’t  ride the train I get sick

T:  Do you want a ticket to go on the log ride?

Miss A:  Is there water?

T:  No, it just feels like a log