Holy comment spam, batman!

So, someone’s comment spam bot found this blog and went nuts this morning.  Thankfully, I already had comment moderation turned on, so none of the [mostly pornographic] spam made it into the comments, but I did NOT enjoy moderating and deleting it all.

So, I’ve installed a spam filter that should catch most of it without me having to deal with it, but as with all such filters, there’s always a chance of a false positive.  So if you write a comment to this blog and it doesn’t appear on the site within 24 hours or so, let me know so I can fish it out of the spam trough.

Answers to “Fun with Russian”

Woah. Where did last week go? I can’t believe how busy that was…

So, answer time. For a refresher, the challenge was to insert appropriate spaces to turn this into intelligible Russian:


Ammon von Lovell found three answers, but I’m only aware of two, so I’ll be curious what he found that I didn’t.

Here are my two:

Kol okolo kolokola – The stake is near the bell

Kolokol oloko kola – The bell is near the stake (don’t you love Russian word order ambiguity?)

The source of this puzzle was the Wikipedia entry for Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. The page points out interesting linguistic constructs involving repetition in many languages.

Let’s hope this week affords more opportunities to blog than last… I still can’t believe how busy I was.

Fun with Russian

Recently, several people who I knew during my time in Russia have found and begun reading this blog (Privet, guys!).  So, it’s time for a little Russian language fun!  Here’s a Russian language puzzle to try out:

The following Russian sentence has a number of words in it, but the spaces between them have been removed.  Can you figure out where to put the spaces to make this a meaningful (and gramatically correct) sentence?


If you come up with an answer (no cheating, the answer IS on the internet, so no looking it up!), feel free to comment.  I’ll cite my original source when I post the official answer in a few days.


5 Years ago Today

I imagine the internet is going to see of lot of these “where I was on September 11” posts, so I might as well write one too. Really, I think my story is kind of unique and might be worth sharing.

I was a Mormon missionary in the former U.S.S.R from 2000-2002. My time was spent in areas reasonably close to the city of Moscow. From July 2001 until February 2002, I was in the wonderful and beautiful city of Minsk, which is the capital of the Republic of Belarus.

There are many different kinds of Mormon missionaries. The ones most familiar to most people are the guys in white shirts and ties, dark suits, with little black nametags that go from door to door proselyting. What many people don’t know is that there are also missionaries whose time is spent working on family history/geneology, some who work at church historical sites as tour guides or landscapers or any number of other things, some who work as humanitarian aid workers in places where there is significant need, and several others.

Most of my two year mission was spent as your standard nametag-wearing door-knocking proselyting missionary, but while in Belarus, I was a humanitarian aid missionary. One of the things that we did as humanitarian aid missionaries was travel around to schools, day cares, camps, hospitals, and other places where there were large groups of children, and put on puppet shows about the consequences of alchohol and tobacco use.

On September 11, 2001, we did a couple of these puppet shows at a facility of some sort just outside of Minsk. I don’t really remember if it was a hospital or a camp; it may have been a children’s sanitarium or other long-term recovery facility for sick children (This place was notorious for having rather rambunctions and ill-behaved children, so I’m not sure how sick they really were).

These puppet shows were scheduled for the afternoon and early evening. We met at our office with our driver, Joseph, and headed out to do our shows, which were uneventful. Arriving back at the office, I got into the elevator with one of the large prop boxes and headed up to the 7th floor to drop off the props at the office.

And then the world changed.

The elevator door opened on the 7th floor, and as the elevator was right across the hall from the office, the people in the office heard it open. My good friend Michael Trousdale, another humanitarian aid missionary, was in the office at the time. He ran out and began babbling about an airplane crashing into the World Trade Center. My first thoughts were of the July 28, 1945 accident at the Empire State Building, when a small plane crashed into the building causing minimal damage and killing 14 people – a tragedy to be sure, but not worthy of the kind of hysterics I was seeing from Michael.

Through some questining that seems rather heartless in retrospect, I discovered that it was not, in fact, a small plane, but rather two very large airliners. It was also not likely an accident as the 1945 incident was, but appeared that the two jets had been deliberately flown into the towers. I went into the office.

On the television in the office I saw the horrifying images that we have all seen one time too many. The first tower had already fallen. The office workers and missionaries in the office sat, horrified, staring at the television. Another missionary arrived soon with the other prop box, then two more missionaries and Joseph. This last group had barely arrived when the second tower collapsed and fell.

Being an expatriate at such times is an experience that’s difficult to describe. We’ve all seen news footage on television that is being taken from a local source in some other country. We hear the reporter speaking in a foriegn tongue we don’t understand, with a translator speaking over them and bringing us the news in our language. This was the same experience, except the local foriegn channel was CNN, and the unfamiliar language being dubbed and translated was English.

As the next infamous hour unfolded, I wasn’t sure how to react. My homeland had been attacked. Terrible things had happened in New York. NEW YORK! And Washington D.C. And Pennsylvania. Those places were all so close to home.

But home was so far away.

I’d been in Russia and Belarus for over a year. Those places really felt like home, and the tragedies on American soil felt like they had happened somewhere else to someone else. While I was shocked and horrified by what had happened, and felt the pain that all good people should feel when evil wins a battle in the eternal war, it seemed that emotionally, something was missing. To this day, I’m not sure what it was that I though I should have felt, but I felt a little guilty for not feeling it.

We felt that the event was over by around 9:15 p.m. All of the airplanes in America had been grounded, the three attacks had happened (I think we’d heard of the Pennsylvania crash as well, but I’m not sure of that), and it appeared no more could happen. As a rule as missionaries, we were to be home by 9:30 each evening, so we headed our seperate ways (nevermind that we also weren’t supposed to watch T.V…. Something about extenuating circumstances and all that….). I lived with my roomate, Matt Millett, about three blocks from the office, and we walked back to our apartment that night.

Belarus is not a country that’s particulary friendly to the United States. At least that’s true politically. The great experience of September 11, 2001 was my realization that national borders and cultural and language barriers are easily crossed and overcome by the fact that we’re all part of the great human family. Our faces were known in the neighboorhood where we lived – people knew who we were. They knew that Matt and I were Americans. As we walked home that night, political unfriendliness melted away as person after person stopped us on the sidewalk and told us of the pain they felt at what had happened to our country. They said how sorry they were. They said that no nation – not even America – deserved to be attacked like that. They said that we’re all brothers and one brother should never do that to another. They said that they hoped their would be a war on whoever did it, and they hoped Belarussians and Americans would fight together to stop it from ever happening again.

44 years of cold war and we really had no enemies among those wonderful people.

There is a certain heirarchy of leadership among missionaries. It helps keep things organized. District leaders supervise a handful (maybe 6-10) of missionaries. Zone leaders supervise a handful of districts. Presidents supervise a handful of zones, which constitute a “mission.” I was a zone leader at the time. Geographically, my zone was the entire country of Belarus. Not long after we got home, one of the president’s personal assistants called to make sure that we knew what had happened, and to give us some instructions. Interestingly, much of the news that he gave was actually not true. He told us that in addition to the attacks in New York and Washington, many other airplanes had crashed, and a couple had even been shot down. Of course, such speculation was very common in the days following, but it ultimately only served to lessen the severity of what actually happened: “Oh, only four airplanes crashed? I understood there were nine! Four is so much better than nine.”

The instructions he gave, on the other hand, came straight from the church leadership in Salt Lake City, and were good advice, I think. We were told to avoid conspicuously American places like the embassy or McDonald’s until further notice (McDonald’s was later taken off the forbidden list – unfortunately). We were to be more cautious in who we told that we were Americans (most Americans are mistaken for Germans when they speak Russian – some of us had developed good enough accents that people mostly thought we were from another part of the Russian speaking world).

Soon after that, came another phone call. This one from the American Embassy, with better information on what had happened, a list of emergency numbers in case anything should happen in Belarus, etc… They called me because I was the zone leader. I’m not sure how they knew that, as I had never told them. They asked me to relay that information to the other missionaries.

I called the district leaders and passed on the instructions we’d been given along with the best patch-together I could manage of the news I’d heard from Moscow and from the Embassy. Of course by doing this I just became another spreader of misinformation. Again, at least the instructions were good.

Over the next several days, the pattern of people approaching us on the street to offer their condolences continued. Other missionaries from around our mission shared similar experiences. I was further convinced that we had no enemies among those people – only their governments.

In retrospect, it’s easier to analyze what happened that day. As I conclude this post however, I’d like to share what I felt on that day, as I wrote it in my journal:

…We arrived at Sofia’s office after a puppet show, just in time to see the news broadcast of the World Trade Center attack. What an infamous day! We all huddled around the TV for about two hours watching the news. It was odd to watch it in Russian – it made it all so…foriegn. I don’t feel fear, but I’m apprehensive about the future of my beloved America. I have learned on my mission to appreciate America – her freedoms, her liberties, and her opportunities. God bless America.

And today, on September 11, 2006, I pray again, may God bless America.

Success vs. Happiness

Lately, I’ve become increasingly enamored with a woman named Kathy Sierra.  Ok, not really with her – I don’t even know her – but with her writing.  Kathy writes a blog she calls Creating Passionate Users.  She’s got one of those “let’s change the world and here’s why and here’s how” attitudes, where “the world” is “the way we do business.”

Kathy’s post today is particularly striking.  “Success” should not mean “Management” basically questions the entire model of how promotions in business work.  She points out that while businesses always want to promote their people into management positions, a lot of people (especially technical people like programmers and engineers) don’t want those jobs.  They take them because the pay and benefits are better, but they don’t necessarily involve doing the things they actually want to do.

While Kathy does discuss some of the reasons for this, I think one thing she misses is that the people running the business are the people who LIKE management-type things, so they think that promoting people along those lines is a great reward.  Like in so many other areas, they don’t realize that everyone has the same goals as them.  This could be part of the reason why this happens.

I think this is part of the reason I enjoy being self-employed.  With nearly total autonomy, I get to make sure that most of my work is things I actually want to do.   If there was a company where the defined career path was increased opportunity to do the things I want to do, and decreased necessity of doing the things I don’t want to do, I would consider working there.


The official wedding invitation picture

Jacob and Marcia's wedding invitation pictureI’m very proud of us the last few days. We’ve actually managed to make decisions. We have a menu for the reception. We decided on decorations (which will nicely reflect the colors that she..er…we picked, even though I still can’t identify the exact shade of blue that is the key color of our wedding).

Perhaps most amazingly, however, we actually picked a wedding invitation picture! While the one in the invitation will be black and white, here’s the color version.

One of the things I like best about this picture is how it brings out the red highlights in Marcia’s hair.

Hunger of body and heart

A few weeks ago we went to a very short (just over an hour) lecture by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. The lecture was about strengthening families and was basically a short rehash of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People with a specific bent towards how the principles of the 7 habits apply to families.

I have long been a fan of Dr. Covey’s work, ever since the first time I read the 7 Habits book.  The book changed my overall approach to life, and frankly I think it’s words to live by for anyone and everyone.  In other words, I have drunk the “7 Habits” kool-aid.

There was one quote from Dr. Covey that I found particularly poignant during this particular lecture.  Speaking about interpersonal communication, he said:

The deepest hunger of the human body is for air.  The deepest hunger of the human heart is to be understood.

The part about the hunger for air is pretty clear.  Try going without food for 5 minutes.  Easy. Done.  Try going without air for 5 minutes.

That got pretty hard after about 40 seconds, didn’t it?

It makes sense that the deepest hunger of our hearts is to be understood.  It explains why we go to such incredible lengths to try and make people see things our way.  From arguments between friends to wars between countries, many a conflict has been a result of people trying make others understand them.

It’s interesting that Dr. Covey says that the key to interpersonal communication is to “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”  I wonder how many conflicts, from simple spats between people to major international crises, could be avoided if people tried to understand each other before making themselves understood.

In my experience, it only takes one person to practice this in order for it to work.  Two people may be talking, and both are dying to be understood.  If one of them decides to understand before being understood, a synergistic exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings is much more likely to happen.  It’s amazing how willing we are to listen and try to understand someone else when we know that they already understand us.

This is where we come to a mutual understanding. When both people understand each other, because both have really made that efford to understand and not just be understood, then real communication has happened and real results can be enjoyed and appreciated.

More invitations…

We’ve almost completely settled on wording for the invitations. Here are a few things we’ve learned in the process:

  • The wedding announcement/invitation is always written in the third person. Saying “we would like to invite you…” is not traditionally appropriate (not to say it’s wrong, just not the traditional way of doing it).
  • In a formal wedding invitation, all numbers are to be written out except those in an address. That is, you write “Wednesday, the twenty-third of August,” but “2000 west Adams”
  • Actually, EVERYTHING is to be written out – no abbreviations. The address is “2000 West Adams street,” never “2000 W. Adams St.”
  • The proper format for a date takes two lines, with the year on the second line. It looks like this:
  • Wednesday, the twenty-third of August
    Two thousand and six

  • You’re not supposed to write “10:00 a.m.” or ” 6:00 p.m.” either. You write “ten o’clock in the morning” or “six o’clock in the evening.” Technically if it’s obvious, you don’t have to have the “in the evening,” but it’s probably a good idea anyway.
  • There’s an entire hierarchy of dress standards for these things. The problem is, most people don’t really know what’s appropriate for such occasions (I certainly didn’t!) because they don’t do these kind of events that often. Apparently, for any event after 6:00 pm, full dinner formals are appropriate. That is, tuxedos and floor-length evening gowns. Anyway, the usual heirarchy is: black tie, black tie optional, semi-formal, semi-casual, casual. “Black tie” means tuxedos and evening wear. “Black tie optional” means that there will be people in tuxedos and evening wear, and while you don’t have to wear something that formal, it would be appropriate, and you should dress accordingly. “Semi-formal” is basically tuxedos and business suits. This is probably what most people would equate with their “sunday best.” “Semi-casual” is things like trousers and button-down shirts with loafers, etc…. Finally, casual is whatever you want, come-as-you-are, jeans-and-a-t-shirt, sandals, etc…. While we want our reception to be classy, we also don’t want people to go renting tuxedos, so we’ve decided on semi-formal, encouraging people to dress their best without having to do anything crazy like spend money on clothes they’re going to wear once.
  • There’s one other classification of clothing, known as “white tie.” White tie is full formal. Tailcoat, white bow tie, etc… This is the ultimate in formal wear for men. If Marcia has her way (which she will), I’ll be dressed white tie for the reception. That’s fine with me – even though I don’t do it very often, I do enjoy looking good.
  • If the invitation is to a wedding held at a church, you use the phrase “request the honour of your presence.” If it’s held anywhere else, or the invitation is only to the reception and not the wedding itself, the correct wording is “request the pleasure of your company.”
  • Finally, when providing addresses to the location of the wedding or the reception, you never include the zip code, and following the above-stated rule of no abbreviations, write out the full name of the state.

I commented to Marcia yesterday that it’s a shame that when planning a wedding, there’s so much to learn, and you only use most of that knowledge once. Hopefully by writing it here, someone else can make use of what we’ve learned.

You’re not anybody until you’re on technorati

So, this site has existed for three whole days, and already technorati has picked it up.  I’m not sure how that happened, since they picked it up as jacobandmarcia.com, which I only registered on thursday night (and technorati had it by friday afternoon) and haven’t told anyone about it yet.

But here’s the great part: according to technorati, we are the 1,420,455th most popular blog on the internet! I’m so proud.

What’s really important?

In yet another brief fit of work avoidance curiosity, I was taught something interesting.  Look at the main news headlines of CNN, Fox News, and Google News, and then at digg.com, a web site that tracks the most popular web sites at a given moment, and (I think) a pretty good gauge of what people care about right now.

CNN, Fox, and Google seemed to agree that the most important stories of the day are terrorist plots in the UK, the JonBenet Ramsey case in Colorado (and now Thailand), and the war between Lebanon and Israel.

Digg, however, shows us that what people really care about right now is an amazingly accurate recreation of New York City – with Lego!  This site gets more than 1000 digg points than the #2 site of the day.  And for reference, the first mention of terrorists, JonBenet Ramsey, or Lebanon or Israel is #39 on the list, and it’s an interesting sattelite image of oil spilled along the Lebanese coast.  It got just over 500 points, compared to Lego City’s 3,600+ points.

This was pointed out by Joe D’eon, a commercial airline pilot who does a very interesting podcast.  He sees this as a sign that the mainstream media aren’t really telling us what we actually care to know.

And you have to admit, a Lego New York City is pretty cool.