Turkey Day Part 2


Today we went to my mom’s house. There were people, foods, and cakes. Yes, there was cake. It was my mother’s 100th** Birthday. I had my camera out only a bit, so there are only a few pictures, and mostly of little people.

Jacob was a babe magnet the whole time

Even when he fell asleep

Lydia wanted to play sleep ***

Matt and Ronda tried to teach the G-girls to blow out the candles in preparation for their first birthday****

Proof that Ali learned how to share doing her student teaching*****

I have no idea what they are yelling about this time

* Yes I know I am writing this well after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.

** No, it is not really her 100th birthday, sorry Ma, I couldn’t resist.

*** Aiden is not alone in this habit.

**** December 15th

***** Congratulations on finishing!

5 thoughts on “Turkey Day Part 2”

  1. You made me laugh! 😀 I love the captions.

    I’m pretty sure that Mom and Gretchyn were just yelling and/ore growling–it’s what they love to do.

  2. Great post! 😀 Can I just say how much I love your mom!?!! I know I haven’t seen her in forever (since my wedding 7+ years ago…she was so awesome and came!), but I just love her!

  3. I think that you were behind me and my camera the whole time. I didn’t see you in any of the pictures. Unless you were disguised as the invisible man, in that case for all I know, you were in every picture.

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