Copyright2012 has arrived (5 ½ weeks ago), and he’s a BOY!
Hinckley Elias Thurman was born at 5:56 p.m. on 20 November 2012. He was 8 lbs, 4 oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
He is named for Gordon B. Hinckley and for his Great-Grandfather, Lern Elias Prickett.
All went well with labor and delivery. If people are interested, perhaps I’ll tell our story, it’s not all that “exciting” of a story, but it is our story. We were discharged from the hospital on the 22nd (Due Date a.k.a. Thanksgiving Day). So, we had a pretty great Thanksgiving this year!
Now here are some of our favorite pictures since Hinckley came out:
even Hin©kley stuck his tongue out
two hours old
Mar©ia wanted to participate in the bracelets picture
she asked for a white cake with color circles (sprinkles) and pink ice cream and to wear a shirt with hearts
we taught her how to climb in and out of the crib with a step-ladder while I recover from delivery
Hin©kley was crying, I tried everything to calm him, nursing, burping, cuddling, rocking, singing…nothing worked. Finally I placed his “Happy” on him, and immediately he grabbed onto it and was asleep in 3 seconds!
she loves her tongue in pictures
just chilling
sister and brother
Hinckley welcome to the world of Blog. I love the pictures.