I was running some errands, and needed to get some salsa. Jacob loves salsa and we were out of it. I went to get the White Corn and Black Bean salsa because he likes it. Today, it was on the top shelf, and pushed all the way back. I am short. I stood on the tips of my toes, and reached. I could not even touch a jar. So I took a few steps back to survey the scene. Would the bottom shelf or two be sturdy enough to hold mee? How much would I get hurt if it would not hold mee? Does Jacob really need salsa?
At this point another shopper man came over and asked if I would like some assistance. I admitted it would be great. He got on his toes (also not that tall). Reached and pulled down the first jar he could get. It was covered in dried/sticky salsa. He offered to get mee a clean one. I appreciate that even people who don’t know mee also want clean products. He asked if there was anything else I needed. I told him there was not and thanked him. The teenage boy with him was “patient,” his body language indicated that this is a regular occurrence with his dad(?). It made mee tear up as I walked on to find bread. They were happy tears. I am so glad to know that people are still willing to help a person they do not know, and (at least by example) are teaching the next generation how to be kind to others.
Thank you kind sir, you are a gentleman!
First I want to say, that is Matt’s favorite salsa. We almost always have at least one jar in the house.
Second, it always makes me happy to see people helping others. I think it is important for everyone to see those acts of kindness. That is why when I am able and see a need I make sure to do what I can to help out, because I want my children to know that it is important. I want them to know that just because I am a mother I am not exempt from being kind and helpful to other people.
Well for the last two posts, we have either seen that there is a difference between male and female shoppers or a difference in the two different stores you patronize if that is the case.
Also I like to here of people helping my female realatives when they are in distress when I am not able to help.
What a great story…..
Rick, there may or may not be a correlation. The first post was from an experience at Dollar Tree. That is where I found my really cool Incredible Hulk toothbrush (I also found a neat Spider-man one), and I wanted to have a back-up in case I drop it. I tend to do that a lot.
This post happened at Walmart. I know some parts of this country have reputations of Walmart being grimy and horrible, however, not here. I know we still get our fair share of unique individuals (especially the week before Independence Day and the 3-5 days before the university fall semester starts up) but it is not the scary place some areas think it to be.